Paperless QMS Mobile App

BCG Paperless QMS Mobile App is a document management software application that is the first step towards a paperless office.

You can access all files digitally using compatible devices like a computer, laptop, or mobile device, reducing the wait times when processing data. BCG Mobile App is a document management software application that provides you with the resources to take the first step towards paperless office.


Paperless Quality Management System?

As the name suggests, a paperless quality management system (QMS) is a type of management system software that is completely digital so does not require any paper. This means all forms and documents processed on the QMS are done entirely on the online software systems, eliminating the need for any paper to be used.

As result, databases, letters, forms, and other physical documents and files that are part of the quality management system can be accessed digitally via computers. Better still, many of the newest paperless quality management systems are accessible on mobile devices including smartphones and tablets, offering further improvements to the system that benefit the workplace.


Benefits of a Paperless QMS

There is a reason digitization is considered the new standard in data processing, storage, and transmission – it offers many advantages over older paper-based management systems. Here are some of the main benefits an office gains from a paperless quality management system.

Streamlined Processes That Improve Efficiency

All quality management system processes are greatly streamlined using a paperless system. You can access all files digitally using compatible devices like a computer, laptop, or mobile device, reducing the wait times when processing data. Staff will find their work processes are much more streamlined, being able to access data quicker. Communication between employees is also improved because of this, meaning workplace efficiency goes up across the board.

Reduced Operating Costs

Paperless quality management systems have the potential to reduce costs, saving a lot of money over the long-term. Improved workplace efficiency also means less resources are required for menial tasks. Employees are the most valuable resource for a business, so being able to repurpose their time and effort onto more important tasks will not just save money, but likely improve your bottom line.

Access Documents Remotely

Another key benefit of paperless quality management system is the ability to access documents remotely. While it is useful to have a secure back-up of files on a hard drive in the office, this is not much use out of office hours, which is where a cloud-based paperless system becomes more useful.