Safe Contractor

Safe Contractor Certificate

What is Safe Contractor?
The Safe Contractor Scheme looks at your health and safety documents and procedures to make sure they meet a certain standard. This shows your clients and potential clients that you take health and safety seriously.
Safe contractor is the fastest growing health and safety accreditation scheme in the UK, with more than 200 major clients and over 18,000 contractor members. Registered members with the safe contractor scheme include clients and contractors from a wide range of professional disciplines working within a number of industry sectors. With its increasing membership and growing profile in the UK, the safe contractor scheme is now used by many large organisations as a way of obtaining competent contractors.

Benefits of Safe contractor

How can we help?

We will walk you through the process from start to finish until you are registered. Our simple step-by-step process takes all the hassle away so you can get on and run your business.