Nasdu – National Association of Security Dog Users

Nasdu is recognised within the security industry, Skills for Security, BSIA, IPSA together with the home office , ACPO , MOD, DEFRA , as well as animal welfare groups like local authority Dog Wardens. Its Main objective is to maintain nationally recognised training and operational standards for security Dogs and Trainers.

Nasdu is recognised within the security industry, Skills for Security, BSIA, IPSA together with the home office , ACPO , MOD, DEFRA , as well as animal welfare groups like local authority Dog Wardens. Its Main objective is to maintain nationally recognised training and operational standards for security Dogs and Trainers.

NASDU Assessment Process

The process of become NASDU accredited involves completing the appropriate application form and submitting it along with relevant supporting documentation. Once you have completed your application and submitted it to NASDU team , it will be assessed against the standards as mentioned above.

What are the benefits of Nasdu ?

Below are just some of the reasons why being NASDU registered could help your business.

How can we help?

We will walk you through the process from start to finish until you are registered. Our simple step-by-step process takes all the hassle away so you can get on and run your business.